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MESO Project Database
The brand new website features a vast project database and a new structural concept.
BMW iPad Applications
World's Stock of Energy Exhibit
World's Stock of Energy Exhibit
Lufthansa A380 Originals
Lufthansa A380 Originals
Michael Hoepfel
Associate / Image Spaces
Virtual Stain Removal Exhibit for Siemens at IFA 2008 and 2009
Virtual Stain Removal Exhibit for Siemens at Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin 2008 and 2009
HLMD Universum
A virtual universe for a universal museum: "Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt" (museum of the state of hesse).
Milupa Corporate Website
Parents find lots of information about baby food on this fresh new website of baby food producer Milupa
The european biennale for contemporary art 2008. MESO did the interface-design.
Media facade for Zeilgalerie
60000 ornamental LEDs and a few megapixels to go.
Kellerwald: Rocks and Ravines
a moving projection in the third Rotunda of the National Park Center Kellerwald
EnBW Smart Home Table
EnBW Smart Home Table
Reifenhäuser Corporate Website
Corporate Website for Reifenhäuser Group
Kellerwald: Mound of Butterflies
three interactive projections in the first Rotunda of the National Park Center Kellerwald
Emma 01 - Keep the Sheep running
The first round of sheep banners was created in mid 2006 and let the sheep even run across web pages
interactive facade projection
Emma 09 - "Stacked Stocking"
Emma is back. And she brought her sisters with her...
DVAG Congress Center Play Station: Products
DVAG Congress Center Play Station: Success
Visualization of micro- and nano-technology at the Expo2000
Avanto Visualization
Avanto Bulls Eye
web-game for the famous entertainment park company
Sixflags Google Gadget
Google gadget with small size sixgflags skydrifter game.
Kinder-Pinguí Puzzle
Completing a puzzle showing a lovely photograph of little penguin's family will give you the solution word.
Messe Frankfurt - Kap Europa Opening
Interactive Particle Graphics for the Kap Europa Opening
HLMD Information Website
The information website of the "Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt" (museum of the state of hesse).
EnBW Energy Landscape Telescopes
EnBW Energy Landscape Telescopes
Claudius Coenen
Collaborator / Web Scapes
Benjamin Baum
Apprentice / Web Scapes
Kinder-Pinguí TV-Spot "MakingOf"
The "MakingOf" the Kinder Pinguí TV Spot.
Multiuser Environment
Kinder-pinguí multiuser environment.
aspekt:ratio site management system
An extremely userfriendly and easy to use Site Management System. Since 1999. Score-System Backend
Score editor as part of the broad context for research into choreographic practice.
DVAG Congress Center Marburg
Low Energy House
Low Energy House
Tobias Rehberger: MAXXI Project
Tobias Rehberger: MAXXI Project
David Brüll
Freelancer / Digital Interiors
Bogomir Engel
Employee / Web Scapes
Hyundai Motor Company
Hyundai Motor Company
Bayer MaterialScience Multitouch Surface
Bayer MaterialScience - Multitouch Surface
Entities? What?
Entities are tags with content. 'Tis simple as that.
MESO Core Competencies
Things we try to concentrate on and that we have done often enough to exactly know what we're talking about.
Globes, Satellite Imagery, Georeferencing: the image of the earth seen from different aspects.
Energy Mix Table
Energy Mix Table
Irritation and Entertainment
Places and Cities
Where can or could you meet our work? There are places all around the world where has touched ground.
Neues Museum Berlin / Zeitmaschine
Interactive Nikon Media Table
Interactive Nikon Media Table at Photokina 08 in Cologne
Jobs at
we are hiring!
Cyberhelvetia Cy.Bee Constructor
The Cy.Bee constructor web page and the Rendez-vous camera.
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